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  • If you search for some concepts containing multiple words, please put them in quotes. (Example: “tüzel kişilik perdesi”)
    Through the natural language support in Turkish, the synonym words of the searched termes will be also considered in search engine.
    In this way, any suffix grammatically used will be tolerated.
  • Put NOT before any words that shouldn't be included in documents listed by search engine. (Example: “İhtiyar Heyeti” NOT Tebligat)
  • Please put OR between the terms in search bar to bring results where at least one of search term is included. (Example: "Emniyeti Suistimal" OR Hırsızlık)
  • You may use any of these symbols or operators at once. (Example: “Türk Ceza Kanunu” AND Sigorta)

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