Where exactly does the Request for Arbitration fit into the procedural timetable?…
I hesitate to talk about little cases, because if you are the client no case is little.…
It’s difficult to talk in general terms about how to write a Request for Arbitration…
Another question is whether time is on your side. There are times when parties have…
The requirements for drafting a Request for Arbitration are set out at Rule 7.2 of…
The big issues are first of all to identify the parties correctly. I just add here…
The next issue is then to give some sort of summary of the dispute and the facts.…
The most important thing for me when identifying the big issues in an arbitration…
Attachments and annexes, I think they’re essential. This is what ISTAC provides for,…
Then of course, the choice of law provision and arbitration agreement should be provided,…
I’d like now to look at the four audiences that you write for, or you work with as…
Now on that basis, the tribunal will need some sense of the amount in dispute. It…
We also write for our clients. I think our job as counsel is to give effect to the…
Then we have the argumentative, sparring role, our dealings with opposing counsel.…
Now, a word of reassurance. If your limitation period is running out, if you are…
And another word of reassurance, you saw at the beginning how the arbitral procedure…