But can you deal with black boxes, can you open them in a way? How? I think that…
It’s important to get an early indication from the arbitral tribunal, but how? The…
Now, the deliberations. As counsel, do we have influence over deliberations? I gave…
I’ve increasingly seen hearings which don’t start on a Monday, but on Wednesday and…
The other thing in the organization that is extremely dangerous and unacceptable,…
Let me give you my own recipe for how to organize deliberations. I like to have one…
I think only if you agree immediately if somebody is clearly of a different view,…
If I go back to my role as counsel, there is an important question. Often the clients…
Again, I come back to the question. What can you legitimately expect from your party-appointed…
Some of my colleagues say, “I always forget who appointed me”. I say, “Well that’s…
Now to partiality. It’s a big theme. I’ll ask you a question and those who know can…
It is less obvious, but you also feel if somebody is partial by the type of questions…
Now, some parties say, “Okay, but I would like to appoint somebody who is a national…