Carlton, D. W.: The Anticompetitive Effects of Vertical Most-Favored-Nation…
Competition Policy Internernational: Ohio v. American Express: A Year Later.…
Cusumano, M. A., Yoffie, D. B. Ve Gawer, A.; The Business of Platforms:…
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Hovenkamp, H.: Platforms and the Rule of Reason. Columbia Business Law Review.…
Kathuria, V.: Platform Competition and Market Definition in the US Amex Case:…
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Parker, G. G., Van, M. W. A. Ve Choudary, S. P.: Platform Revolution:…
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Schiff, A.: The “Waterbed” Effect and Price Regulation. Review of Network…
Weyl, E. G.: A Price Theory Of Multi-Sided Platforms. American Economic Review.…
Wright, J. D. ve Yun, J. M: Burdens and Balancing in Multisided Markets:…