2.a. The Arguments of Developed Countries
1. Donor states argue that ‘trade preference or GSP’ is a voluntary character. Therefore,…
2. The developed country can argue that the Enabling Clause prohibits only reciprocal…
3. Moreover, Article XX and XXI provide considerable deference to the donor states…
4. The donor countries argue that the Enabling Clause permits them to impose positive…
5. The United States explained the withdrawal of GSP stating that, the GSP statute…
6. The positive conditionality functions as an incentive for the recipients to meet…
7. The donor countries argue that the Enabling Clause permits them to condition,…
8. The donor country can argue that the withdrawal of GSP constitutes a vital interest…
9. The US and EU suspension of GSP on Burmese imports may be justified under Article…
10. The developed country can argue that the withdrawal of GSP does not violate the…
11. The most important argument which a developed country can raise that the purpose…
12. It can be said that even if the withdrawal of GSP does not satisfy the requirements…