Autoriteit Consument & Markt, Guidelines Protection of the online consumer Boundaries…
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On İki Levha Yayıncılık
Yayın tarihi: Kasım 2022
Sayfa: 325 - 327
Deniz Tanlı, Cihan Doğan, Kerem Cem Sanlı
Editör:Erdem Büyüksağiş
Aşağıda bir kısmını gördüğünüz bu dokümana sadece Profesyonel + pakete abone olan üyelerimiz erişebilir.
Assad, Stephanie / Clark, Robert / Ershov, Daniel / Xu, Lei, Algorithmic Pricing…
Autorite de la Concurrence/Bundeskartellamt, Algorithms and Competition, Kasım 2…
Avrupa Komisyonu, E-Ticaret Sektör Araştırması Nihai Raporu.…
Beneke, Francisco / Mackenrodt, Mark-Oliver, Remedies for Algorithmic Tacit Collusion,…
Brown, Zach Y. / MacKay, Alexander, Competition in Pricing Algorithms, National Bureau…
Calvano, Emilio / Calzolari, Giacomo / Denicolb, Vincenzo / Pastorello, Sergio, Algorithmic…
Capobianco, Antonio / Gonzaga, Pedro, Algorithms and Competition: Friends Or Foes?,…
Chapdelaine, Pascale, Algorithmic Personalized Pricing, New York University Journal…
Competition and Markets Authority, Algorithms: How they can reduce competition and…
Competition and Markets Authority, Case 50565-2, Casio Piyano.…
Competition and Markets Authority, Case 50565-3, Fender Gitar.…
Competition and Markets Authority, Poster ve Çerçevelerin Çevrimiçi Satışı, Dosya…
Competition and Markets Authority, Pricing Algorithms, 2018.…
Doğan, Cihan, Algoritma ve Rekabet Hukuku: 4. Madde İhlallerinin Dijital Görünümleri,…
Doğan, Cihan, Rekabet Hukuku ve İktisadı Bağlamında Dijital Platformlar, 2021.…
Doğan, Cihan / Tanlı, Deniz, A critical analysis of the Turkish Competition Authority’s…
Ezrachi, Ariel / Stucke, Maurice E., Artificial Intelligence & Collusion: When Computers…
Ezrachi, Ariel / Stucke, Maurice E., Sustainable and Unchallenged Algorithmic Tacit…
Ezrachi, Ariel / Stucke, Maurice E., Virtual Competition: The Promise and Perils…
Fumagalli, Chiara / Motta, Massimo/Calcagno Claudio, Exclusionary Practices, The…
Gal, Avigdor, It’s a Feature, not a Bug: On Learning Algorithms and what they teach…
Graef, Inge, Algorithms and Fairness: What Role for Competition Law in Targeting…
Hacker, Philipp, Manipulation by algorithms. Exploring the triangle of unfair commercial…
Hutchinsona, Christophe Samuel/Treščákováb, Diana, The Challenges of Personalized…
Isgenc, Ilgin, Competition Law in the AI ERA: Algorithmic Collusion under EU Competition,…
Jeffries, Adrianne / Yin, Leon, Amazon Puts Its Own “Brands” First Above Better-Rated…
Jeffries, Adrianne / Yin, Leon, How We Analyzed Amazon’s Treatment of Its “Brands”…
Lindsay, Alistair / McCarthy, Eithne, Do We Need to Prevent Pricing Algorithms Cooking…
Mankiw, N. Gregory, Principles of Microeconomics, 5th edition, 2008.…
Motta, Massimo, Competition Policy, Theory and Practice, Cambridge University Press,…
Nicas, Jack / Collins, Keith, How Apple’s Apps Topped Rivals in the App Store It…
Nowag, Julian, When sharing platforms fix sellers’ prices, Journal of Antitrust Enforcement…
OECD, Algorithmic-facilitated Coordination – Note by Michal Gal, 21-23 June 2017,…
OECD, Algorithms and Collusion: Competition policy in the digital age.…
OECD, Algorithms and Collusion - Note from the European Union, 2017.…
OECD, Annual Report on Competition Policy Developments in Luxemburg, 21 May 2019,…
OECD, Hub-and-spoke arrangements – Note by the European Union, DAF/COMP/WD(2019)89,…
OECD, Personalised Pricing in the Digital Era Background Note by the Secretariat,…
Pais, Sofia Oliveira, Hub-and-Spoke Agreements and Tacit Collusion: Recent National…
Pereira Virgílio Mouta, Algorithm-driven Collusion: Pouring Old Wine into New Bottles…
Petropoulos, Georgios, Vertical Restraints and E-Commerce, Concurrences No:1-201…
Wilson, Robert A. / Keil, Frank C., The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences,…
World Economic Forum, Competition Policy in a Globalized, Digitalized Economy, 11…
Yıldız, Ender, Rekabet Politikası Çerçevesinde Gizli Algoritmik Anlaşmalar, Makine…