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Bars, Mehmet Emin. “Mitlerde Büyülü Gerçekçilik”, Uluslararası Türkçe Edebiyat KültürEğitim Dergisi,…
Brown, Adam R. “Losing To Nobody? Nevada’s “None Of These Candidates” Ballot Reform”,The…
Driscoll, Amanda; Nelson, Michael J. “Ignorance or Opposition? Blank and Spoiled…
Drake, Michael. Political Sociology for a Globalizing World, Cambridge: Polity, 2010. Erdem, Servet. “Büyülü Gerçekçilik Ve Halk Anlatıları”, Milli Folklor, S:…
Hurtado, Borja; Fernanda, María et al. “Comportamiento del voto en blanco en Colombiadurante…
Ihl, Olivier; Deloye, Yves. “Des Voix Pas Comme Les Autres. Votes Blancs Et Votes…
Ponce De León Solís, Viviana. “Validez del voto en blanco en Chile: un análisis crítico”,…
Saramago, José. Görmek, Çev. Aykut Derman, 8. Bası, İstanbul: Can Yayınları,…
Saramago, José. Körlük, Çev. Aykut Derman, 26. Bası, İstanbul: Can…
Zulfikarpasic, Adélaïde. “Le Vote Blanc : Abstention Civique Ou Expression Politique?”Revue…
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