Bossche, P.V. The Law and Policy of the World Trade Organization, Cambridge University…
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On İki Levha Yayıncılık
Yayın tarihi: Ocak 2021
Sayfa: 232 - 235
Kazım Çınar
Editör:Mustafa Erkan, Çiğdem Nas
Aşağıda bir kısmını gördüğünüz bu dokümana sadece Profesyonel + pakete abone olan üyelerimiz erişebilir.
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Erkan, Mustafa. Milletlerarası Tahkimde Yetki Sorunları, İstanbul, 2013.…
Galea, Ion ve Biriş, Bogdan. “National Treatment in International Trade and Investment…
Jackson, John H. “National Treatment Obligations and Non-Tariff Barriers.” Michigan Journal of International Law,…
Hoekman, Bernard M ve Mavroidis, Petros C. World Trade Organization (WTO): Law, Economics,…
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Diğer Kaynaklar…
Cornell University Law School, Legal Information Institute, Available at https:/…
GATT Report of the Working Party on Border Tax Adjustments, (L/3464), 2.12.1970.…
United Nations Conference on Trade And Development Series on issues in international…
Japan METI Reports, National Treatment, Erişim: Sutherland, Peter / Bhagwati, Jagdish / Botchwey, Kwesi / Fitzgerald, Niall/ Hamada,…
WTO Courses, Introduction to WTO Basic Principlers and Rules, Erişim:… … ……