
Resmi Gazete Dışındaki Kaynak
Kurum: Sivil Havacılık Genel Müdürlüğü
Sınıflandırma: Genelgeler
No.: UED-2023/6
Erişim Tarihi: 29.12.2023
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Dosya olarak kaydet: PDF - WORD
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Airworthiness Department



Memorandum on Maintenance Release of Turkish Registered Aircraft (Rev.00)



(1) The objective of this memorandum is to establish the additional requirements for SHT-145 maintenance organisation approval of foreign maintenance organisations which hold NAA approval in a location outside Türkiye where there is no SHT-145 or EASA Part-145 approved organisation available for the aircraft type for which Turkish Operators intend to get service.



(1) This Regulation shall apply to foreign maintenance organisations not holding a valid EASA Part-145 approval, which apply for the SHT-145 maintenance organisation approval to provide continuous maintenance service to Turkish registered aircraft.



(1) This memorandum has been issued in accordance with the provisions of the by- law SHY-CA article 21(2) and its instruction SHT-145 article 6(2).

(2) The by-law SHY-CA and its instruction SHT-145 are issued to be technically identical to EASA Part-145 AMC & GMs.

Definitions and abbreviations


(1) Definitions and abbreviations are mentioned at this memorandum;

a) EASA : European Union Aviation Safety Agency

b) DGCA : Directorate General of Civil Aviation

c) NAA : National Aviation Authority

ç) AMC : Acceptable Means of Compliance

d) GM : Guidance Material

e) MOE : Maintenance Organisation Exposition



(1) This memorandum is applicable for the organisations hold NAA approval in a location outside Türkiye where there is no available SHT-145 or EASA Part-145 approved organisation for the aircraft type for which Turkish Operators intend to get service.

(2) The organisation shall have a valid maintenance organisation certificate issued by its NAA.

(3) Applications for the aircraft types, maintenance facilities and locations that are not in the scope of the applicant’s NAA approval will not be accepted.

(4) Organisation’s intended scope of work shall be limited to:

a) Routine tasks up to and excluding weekly check (or equivalent),

b) Trouble shooting and defect rectification.

(5) A need analysis shall be performed by the DGCA and only the applications from the organisations which have a maintenance contract with a Turkish Operator/CAMO shall be taken into consideration. A letter from the Turkish Operator/CAMO confirming the intention of having maintenance service from the applicant is also acceptable.

(6) Applications for engine/component maintenance, NDT activities and one-off maintenance services will not be accepted.



(1) The organisation apply to obtain SHT-145 approval or request change of an existing SHT-145 approval shall provide an application package in accordance with the application form (Attachment-1).

(2) The application package should be sent to following DGCA e-mail address.

Approval fee


(1) The fee shall be determined by the DGCA according to the DGCA Service Tariff published in DGCA website and paid in US Dollars to below bank account:

Türkiye Halk Bankası - Emek Şubesi

IBAN: TR59 0001 2009 4010 0005 0000 09 or SWIFT CODE: TRHBTR2A

Personnel requirements


(1) The organisation shall appoint an accountable manager and nominate a person or group of persons in accordance with 145.A.30.

(2) The person or group of persons shall be formally accepted following satisfactory evaluation of their knowledge, background and experience. This evaluation is performed as per 145.A.30 and the requirements of Memorandum GM-2015/1 is not applicable.

(3) The organisation shall have appropriate aircraft-rated certifying staff qualified as category B1, B2, as appropriate, in accordance with point 145.A.35.

(4) Certifying staff may be qualified in accordance with the national aviation regulations of the State in which the organisation facility is registered subject to the conditions specified in Appendix IV to SHT-145.

(5) The organisation shall prepare certifying staff list for the SHT-145 approval. This list shall be approved by the DGCA.

Certifying staff


(1) The organisation shall ensure that the certifying staff have up to date knowledge on release to service procedures of Turkish registered aircraft before releasing the aircraft.

Use of components


(1) The organisation shall define a procedure in the SHT-145 MOE based on the documents equivalent to SHGM Form 1 according to the article 145.A.42 (a) of SHT-145 and to the article M.A.501 of SHT-M Regulations.

Certification of maintenance


(1) A specific CRS shall be used for the maintenance work to be carried out for the Turkish registered aircraft. This CRS shall include following statement:

“Certifies that the work specified, except as otherwise specified, was carried out in accordance with SHT-145 and in respect to that work the aircraft is considered ready for release to service.”

(2) This statement or the CRS format containing the statement shall be specified in the SHT-145 MOE document.

Occurrence reporting


(1) The DGCA occurrence report form (Attachment-2) shall be sent to e-mail addresses;

TO:, CC:

Maintenance organisation exposition (Moe)


(1) The organisation shall provide the DGCA with a maintenance organisation exposition prepared in accordance with 145.A.70 including a specific commitment to the Turkish DGCA signed by the accountable manager confirming below:

MOE approved by the Turkish DGCA and any associated referenced manuals defining the organisation and procedures upon which SHT-145 approval is based as required by SHT-145.

MOE procedures must be complied with at all time and when work/orders are being progressed under the terms of the SHT-145 approval.

It is accepted that MOE procedures do not override the necessity of complying with any new or amended regulations published by EASA/Turkish DGCA from time to time where these new or amended regulations are in conflict with these procedures.

It is understood that Turkish DGCA will approve this organisation whilst the DGCA is satisfied that the procedures are being followed and work standards maintained. It is further understood that Turkish DGCA reserves the right to suspend, limit or revoke the SHT-145 approval of the organisation if the DGCA has evidence that procedures are not followed or standards not upheld.

Access to organisation will be granted to the Turkish DGCA in terms of conduct audit to determine continued compliance with SHT-145 approval.

SHT-145 approval will not be used beyond the limitations and Turkish DGCA will be informed as soon as possible, if the NAA approval is suspended, revoked or limited.

(2) The Moe control form (Form 201) can be used by the organisation as a guidance to prepare SHT-145 Moe.

Changes to the organisation


(1) Following changes to the organisation shall be notified to the Turkish DGCA with an application package in accordance with the application paragraph of this memorandum.

a. The name of the organisation;

b. The main location of the organisation;

c. Additional locations of the organisation;

d. The accountable manager;

e. Any of the persons nominated under 145.A.30(b);

f. The facilities, equipment, tools, material, procedures, work scope or certifying staff that could affect the approval.

Continued validity


(1) The approval certificate shall be issued for an unlimited duration. The certificate shall remain valid subject to the conditions in 145.A.90 and the DGCA or NAA maintenance organisation approval certificate not being surrendered or revoked.

(2) However, a surveillance period of 24 months will be followed and continuation of the approval shall be subject to the continuation confirmation by the DGCA.

(3) Before the end of each surveillance period, the DGCA shall provide an official letter to the organisation containing the information of the fee to be paid and the requirements to be met for the continuation of the approval for the next surveillance period. In case the organisation fails to meet the requirements in the DGCA’s official letter the approval shall subject to an evaluation for suspension or revocation.

(4) Continuation of the approval for the new 24 months surveillance period shall be confirmed with an official letter by the DGCA following the payment of the continuation fee is paid and continuation of Turkish operators/CAMO’s intention to have maintenance service is confirmed.

Enforcement on NAA approval


(1) In case of any enforcement action taken to the NAA approval such as suspension, revocation or limitation, Turkish DGCA shall be informed immediately and SHT-145 approval shall not be used beyond the limitation.

DGCA point of contact


(1) For any inquiry regarding the maintenance organisation approvals, correspondences shall be sent to email address, person in charge about the inquiry will reply.

Entry into force


(1) This Memorandum shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official DGCA website.


1) Application Form (Form 2Z)

2) Technical Occurrence Report Form

3) Nominated Person Resume (Form 2N)